Boilermakers Code Class Scheduled - Area One
A Boilermakers Code class has been scheduled in Area One for Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 8:00am. To register for the class, please call Ashley at (313) 584-8520.

MOST Safety Classes are offered at training facilities nationwide. Find a class near you.
Please note: Generic, construction-focused versions of the OSHA 10 Hour class and OSHA 30 Hour class are now available as online courses. Contact Nikki Benson (913-281-5036, x317) in the MOST office for more information and to enroll.
Schedule is subject to change without notice.
Please note: Generic, construction-focused versions of the OSHA 10 Hour class and OSHA 30 Hour class are now available as online courses. Contact Nikki Benson (913-281-5036, x317) in the MOST office for more information and to enroll.
Schedule is subject to change without notice.
MOST Online OSHA 10 & OSHA 30 ClaseesThrough action taken by the MOST Board of Trustees, OSHA 10 and OSHA 30 Training is now being offered online beginning September 15, 2015.
Site Specific Online Safety Training |
MOST Rigging TrainingRaising the knowledge levels of all Boilermakers, the MOST Rigging Program highlights the hazards associated with rigging on the job site while providing pre-job training to qualified Boilermakers. Classes consist of four eight-hour modules that supplement BNAP training and allows for journeymen upgrading.