View upcoming work in each areaTo see work nationwide, please visit the MOST website. You will need a username and password to sign in.
Need directions? Visit our "Maps" page
Area One - Donald Fajardo & Jamie Ratliff , Business Agents
2024Ongoing work
2024 Periodic shorts as they come in |
2024Upcoming Work
Area Two - Tony Herrera, Business Agent
2024Upcoming Work
2024Upcoming Work
Area Three - Mike Card, Business Agent
Ongoing work
Upcoming Work
Area Four - Jim Calouette, Business Agent
Cliff Water Down
Quinnsec WFB Outage
ISD Indiana
LP Sagola
Short Jobs as they come in |
MSHA training schedule and directions
MSHA 2024 Schedule.pdf
1. Visit the UPCC
2. At the top right-hand corner of the website click on MSHA Calendar.
3. On the calendar page you can click the forward or back buttons to navigate to the month you wish to
4. Once you reach the month you want to train on select the date in which it is offered. The available
date will be highlighted in green and display MSHA CERT-8HR or 24HR.
5. Once that is selected it will take you to the registration page. If you are only registering yourself, click
the NEXT button highlighted in black. If you wish to register multiple attendees increase the ticket
count, then click the NEXT button highlighted in black.
6. You will then be taken to the attendee’s form where you will input the required information then click
the SUBMIT button highlighted in black.
7. After you click the SUBMIT button you will receive an email confirming your registration. IT IS CRITICAL
THAT YOU SAVE THIS EMAIL, there is a link provided in that email which will allow you to cancel if
8. 1 week prior to MSHA training you will receive a reminder email. This email will also provide the link
which will allow you to cancel if necessary.
9. 24HR’s prior to MSHA training you will also receive a reminder email. This email will also provide the
link which will allow you to cancel if necessary.
10. If you go through the registration process and the class is full you will be alerted. You will be placed on
a waiting list. If someone should cancel you will be emailed and AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED. If your
availability has changed it is critical you follow the link provided in the email to cancel. The next person
on the list will then be notified.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 906-250-7498